Thursday, March 29, 2012

Saul Bass -

Saul Bass was born in New York City on May 8th 1920 and passed away on April 25 1996. Bass was a graphic designer and film maker and was best known for his design of film posters and motion pircture title sequences.

Saul Bass - Early Life

He was Born to Eastern European Jewish immigrant parents. He graduated from James Monroe High School in the Bronx [New York] and studied part-time at the Art Students League in Manhattan until attending night classes with György Kepes at Brooklyn College. He began his time in Hollywood during the 1940s doing print work for film ads, until he collaborated with filmmaker Otto Preminger to design the film poster for his 1954 film Carmen Jones. Otto Preminger was so impressed with Bass's work that he asked him to produce the title sequence as well. This was when Bass first saw the opportunity to create something more than a title sequence, but to create something which would ultimately enhance the experience of the audience and contribute to the mood and the theme of the movie within the opening moments. Bass was one of the first to realize the creative potential of the opening and closing credits of a movie.

These are a few of his quotes:
"My initial thoughts about what a title can do was to set mood and the prime underlying core of the film's story, to express the story in some metaphorical way. I saw the title as a way of conditioning the audience, so that when the film actually began, viewers would already have an emotional resonance with it."

"Design is thinking made visual."

"There is nothing glamorous in what I do. I'm a working man. Perhaps I'm luckier than most in that I receive considerable satisfaction from doing useful work which I, and sometimes others, think is good."

This is the opening title sequence by Saul Bass which is called The Man with the Golden Arm.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Final Preliminary Task Video

Official Shooting Schedule [Preliminary Task]

6:30 pm
7:00 pm
7:30 pm
8:00 pm
8:30 pm
Ben Tedeku
Arrives at KFC with Dwayne, Taylor and Emmanuel. He his nervously awaiting the start of the shoot while revising his lines.
Filming begins for Ben at the front of KFC and continues on from there.
Continues playing as an actor in the film.
Continues playing as actor in the film.
Finishes acting for the day. All additional scenes are filmed on the following Thursday.
Taylor Osborne
Arrives at KFC with Ben, Dwayne and Emmanuel. She is nervously awaiting the start of the shoot while revising her lines.
Still awaiting for her part of the shooting to begin.
Shoots her first shot in the short film and continues filming until all of her scenes have been short.
Continues playing as actor in the film.
Finishes acting for the day. All additional scenes are filmed on the following Thursday.
Qadeem White
Arrives at KFC with Peniel and Nathaniel. Nervously awaiting the start of the shoot while revising his lines.
Still awaiting for his part of the shooting to begin.
Prepares himself for the next scene as he is involved it.
Shoots his first shot in the short film and continues acting until all scenes have been shot
Finishes acting for the day. All additional scenes are filmed on the following Thursday.
Emmanuel Tedeku
Arrives at KFC with Dwayne, Taylor and Ben. Since he only has a small line in the shoot he is quite calm and confident.
His scene is shot as soon as Ben’s door shot is taken.
Finished acting.
Finished acting.
Finished acting.
Peniel Sium
Arrives at KFC and begins to prepare the camera for filming.
His scene is shot as soon as Ben’s door shot is taken.
Finished his shots in the film as an actor and prepares to shoot some of the remaining scenes.
Gains control of the camera and begins to shoot the short film.
Finished filming for the day. The rest of the filming is done by Jonathan on the following Thursday. 
Dwayne Browne
Arrives at KFC with Taylor, Ben and Emmanuel.
His scene is shot as soon as Ben’s door shot is taken.
Finished acting.
Finished acting.
Finished acting.
Jonathan Aduhene
Arrives at KFC.
Uses camera and records first few shots.
Continues to make recording of the film
Finished recording.
Finished recording.

Preliminary Task [Brainstorm]

Mr Reid had given us a task that involves filming and editing one of our characters opening a door, going across a room and sitting opposite another person, they then need to have a conversation with each other. During this conversation the camera man needs to prioritize the 180 degree shot and make sure he gets many of those between the two characters.
As long as we followed these basic guidelines we were allowed to do whatever we wanted with the genre and reasons in which they were having the conversation.

The idea that our group came up with was a comedy date between Kwame-Lola [Ben] and Diane.

We used Peniel’s camera to record the short film, gathering all of the actors at KFC and filming all of the shots then. Any additional shots that may need to be taken or re-done will be filmed on the following day.

The filming will be done by Me and Peniel. The acting will be done by Ben, Taylor and additional characters who made cameo appearances.

Location Scouting

The Task will take place in Waltham Cross KFC, this is the location that Jonathan [Me] has decided would be the best place to shoot the scene. KFC had given us permission to shoot in there so we will not be causing any trouble or unexpected problems for them. It will be at the back of KFC as we do not want to disturb their customer service area's. A lot of the staff were impressed and found the idea humerous as Ben was brave enough to walk around in the cold and in Public his african attire LOL!

Shooting Schedule

Shooting schedule: The shooting for our Preliminary Task will all take place on Wednesday 22nd February. The group will meet up at around 5:30 pm at KFC. From there we will proceed and enter KFC, all scenes will be shot then.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Preliminary Task Script [29th February 2012]

Preliminary Task Script – 29th February 2012

This is the script for the preliminary Task.
We put in different ideas into the script and this was the final product we created. This is what we used in our task.


Kwame-Lola Aderayo Adesanya Adewale Penekele Oppong- Williams [The full name of Kwame Lola]

Walks Into KFC and sees the girl waiting down at a table waiting for him
Kwame: sits down Hi hanny [Honey] how are you?
Diane: and you are?
Kwame: My name is *takes deep breath* Kwame-Lola Aderayo Adesanya Adewale Penekele Oppong- Williams

Diane: [looks at the dating profile and compares it to him] you don’t look anything like your profile picture
Kwame: Oh that was just one of my pictures back in my day takes pose does it not look like me?
Diane: But you’re not white
Kwame: chuckles oh baby colour is nothing but a number
Diane: *sighs*

Kwame brings out a spoon and a candle  

Diane: So this is where we’re eating
Kwame: yeah we are eating here of course
Diane: we’re in KFC *looks at Kwame in a rude way* Kwame
Kwame: the food here is 5-star hanny [Honey] just forget about the name
Diane: *sighs*
Kwame: WAITER, WAITER!! *clicks fingers*

*waiter approaches*

Waiter: what can I get you sir?
Kwame: yes, get me a bucket bargain with pop chicken on the side, some cob on corn, beans and a bottle of Pepsi minimum
Waiter: and for the lady?
Diane: I’ll have a ummmmmmmm *pause*
Kwame: Just get her some fries…and make it extra salty. [Exclaims]
Diane: BUT I don’t like it that way
Kwame: *stands up* WELL THAT’S HOW I WANT IT!!!
Diane: that’s it I’m leaving
Kwame: that’s fine with me there are more fishes in the swimming pool
Diane leaves

Kwame: turns to waiter here is my card hands him oyster card the pin is 4190
Waiter: ermm sir, that isn’t a debit card
Kwame: whaatttttttttttt? That is the new credit debit visa halibarclay card, new from the shops and you are treating me in this manor
Waiter: sir, there’s no such things as a credit-
Kwame: you know what, I don’t need this, there are plenty of other kfc’s around, and they give better service than the one I am receiving here, you deformed donkey. I hope your pop chicken does not pop IN JESUS NAME

Random African man: AMEN!! *exclaims*
Kwame salutes
Kwame storms out shouting angrily in his language repetedly.

Preliminary Task [28th February 2012]

We as a group had previously shot our main task instead of our preliminary task after being mistaken by our teacher Mr Reid. So during the December half term we met up on separate days and shot parts of the main tasks not knowing that we were doing wrong. We found out that we were doing wrong when we had returned from the December half term.
Putting all of that aside, the group then got together and began to brainstorm an idea of our preliminary task and after many suggestions we then came to a conclusion. We then came up with a fictional character with the name ‘Kwame-Lola’ which was played by Benjamin Tedeku.
Each person in the group was given a specific role:

Jonathan [Me] – Location Setting
Ben – Shooting Schedule
Peniel – Script Writing
Dwayne – Story Board

We all worked together to try and get the group tasks together so we could start shooting. In the end, the preliminary task was shot and edited and then viewed by many. This shooting was completed on 22nd February 2012.

Due to the absence of our teacher on the following day we were unable to do much as there was no lesson. However, we were given permission to work in classroom and go ahead and complete some unfinished tasks.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Key Words Definitions [Lesson]

Definitions -

Matriarch - A woman who is the head of a family or tribe and or an older woman who is powerful within a family or organization

Patriarch - The male head of a family or tribe and or a man who is the oldest or most venerable of a group

Hegemony - Leadership or dominance, by one country or social group over others