Friday, April 20, 2012

Media Opening Sequence - Camera Shots list

Media Opening Sequence- Shots list

1.       Close-Up - The main character Cavell is asleep, his alarm is going off the background
2.       Medium Shot - Cavell is woken up by his alarm
3.       Medium Shot - In frustration, Cavell picks up his phone and turns off his alarm.
4.       Medium Shot - Cavell lies on his bed and thinks about his Mum who recently passed away and the ahead of him. *Music* - (Joe Black ft. Mad Sam - Live My Life)
5.       Medium Shot - Cavell looks out the window, to check what the weather may be like, and starts looking for something.
6.       Medium Close-Up - Cavell gets out of bed and seems to pray, the audience can see that he is lonely.
7.       Close-Up - As he leaves his room we come across a close up of a framed picture Cavell's mother.
8.       Long Shot - Cavell walks out of his room start proceeds out of the house
9.       Medium Shot - Cavell approaches the door and opens it
10.   Medium Shot - Cavell walks out the door and closes it behind him
11.   Medium Long Shot - Proceeding outdoors to take on the day ahead
12.   Landscape Shot- Shot of the flat/estate building that Cavell is now living in by himself *pans downwards*
13.   Medium Long Shot - *Pan/tracking* Cavell walks along the entrance of the building.
14.   Medium Long Shot - *Pan/tracking* Cavell walks along the entrance of the building, towards his friends car.
15.   Long Shot - Cavell approaches his friend’s car.
16.   Medium Close-Up - Damien, Cavell’s friend, tries to comfort Cavell about his mum's loss
17.   Close-Up - Damien continues to comfort Cavell and tells him that they have work to do.
18.   Medium Close-Up - After being asked if he had the 'ting' which is the street term for a 'Gun', Cavell showcases it to Damien confirming he had it
19.   Close-Up - Damien starts the car, turns up the music, preparing to drive to a secret location from a drug deal.
20.   Medium Long Shot - The car starts to move.
21.   Long Shot - The vehicle is moving towards the exit of the estate
22.   Extreme Long Shot - Cont.
23.   Medium Shot - Arrival at the secret location, Cavell gets out of the car.
24.   Medium Shot - Damien gets out of the car. To do the deal
25.   Medium Long Shot - Damien and Cavell approach the two customers.
26.   Medium Shot - Cont.
27.   Over The Shoulder Shot - Over the shoulder view of Cavell and Damien
28.   Over The Shoulder Shot - Over the shoulder view of the customers
29.   Medium Close-Up - View of the deal taking place
30.   Over The Shoulder Shot - Over the shoulder view of the dealers [Cavell and Damien]

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