As a group, we came up with the idea of an average young teenage boy who has been trapped in the life of gangs. His mother recently passed away and he is now living with himself in the flat or either with his girlfriend.
In the opening sequence we will see him getting ready for what appears to be just another ordinary day. The opening sequence will provide visual elements of the boy waking up, having a shower in a normal modern day life as you do. He got ready to meet his friend who was waiting outside ready to pick him up in a car.
Cavell -
Cavell is the main character and focus in this piece. His mother passed away from a long term illness which has been a constant battle for both him and his mother before she passed away. Cavell is trapped inside his own body and doesn’t know what to with himself anymore and has now ensnared himself with the gang life and only has his friend Damien and girlfriend to rely on. He goes day by day by selling drugs but wants to swap that lifestyle and hopefully go to university so that he can go on and make his mother proud.
Damien -
Damien is Cavell’s best friend [Brother] who is always showing his support and sympathy to Cavell. He is always there to share the good and bad time with him. Damien is a talented footballer who is currently studying sports studies at college and is trying to pursue a football career and tying to stay off the roads.
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